Fashion influencer reveals the luxury designer handbags have gained a staggering $25,000 in value since she bought them - from a Louis Vuitton that has gone up by $1,000 to Chanel purses that have DOUBLED in price

Posted by Derek Eskridge on

Popular fashion blogger reports a remarkable $25,000 increase in the value of her designer handbags since their purchase, with some bags, like a Louis Vuitton, appreciating by $1,000 and certain Chanel bags doubling in cost.

Luisa Elias Beckmann, a 26-year-old fashion enthusiast from Barcelona, Spain, also known by her online pseudonym Je Suis Lou, left her online community in awe after sharing a video. In the clip, she breaks down the initial price tags of her oldest designer bags versus their current market values.

Luisa Elias Beckmann, 26, from Barcelona, posted a video detailing how much she paid for the oldest bags in her collection of designer purses - and how much they would cost today

Luisa highlighted that the worth of her handbags from elite brands such as Chanel and Louis Vuitton has surged significantly over the recent years, with some now valued at thousands more than their original prices. She estimated that if she were to part with the seven oldest bags from her expansive collection, she’d rake in a profit surpassing $25,000.

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